Oct 4/5. The gregorian calendar is the proper one. Being raised, the date in embedded. But it will be November because the evil prince is delaying the messenger.
I think the sistine chapel ceiling was finished on oct 5, or at least started
did you know that noah entered the ark in the end part of november and also that jesus' followers flead jerusalem around 25th of november 66ce?.
could it be that a significant group of jehovah's witnesses would begin to flee to the "wilderness" in the end of november?
revelation 12 speaks about a flight of a symbolic woman to a wilderness.
Oct 4/5. The gregorian calendar is the proper one. Being raised, the date in embedded. But it will be November because the evil prince is delaying the messenger.
I think the sistine chapel ceiling was finished on oct 5, or at least started
we just had our co visit a few weeks ago.
apparently, he was encouraging all who could to regular pioneer, to at least try it out for a year.
because of this, we had a few people in our hall become one.. so this weekend we were on zoom service, and the sister that was just appointed was talking about it.
Title. Several have jumped on it.
the watchtower—study edition | december 2021.
7 a merchant might take pride in the fact that he had never taken anything that did not belong to him.
but what about his business practices?
Calling employees self employed subcontractors when in fact they were not. Avoids FICA and insurance
imagine you were a leader of a "gender equality" group started as part of the 'metoo' movement?.
now fast-forward and you're the one trying to discredit victims who have come forward with accusations.
but not they are accusations against someone you work for.. it's a perfect example of how activists so often end up unwittingly (or quite intentionally) perpetuating the very problem they claim to be against.
Hoser; true. The downside is they do not give an y thought to the social impact of their solutions. A restless displaced poverty stricken populace is dangerous to the environment.
First to mind is drug enforcement. Then welfare, EPA, cancer
this almost should be in humor.
the wt today mentioned committees never rushing to judgement.
not unless supper is getting cold.. i did know of one "investigation" that took a long time.
This almost should be in humor. The WT today mentioned committees never rushing to judgement. Really? Not unless supper is getting cold.
I did know of one "investigation" that took a long time. From what I surmise a brother became involved in swingers clubs.
wife tells me the latest video mentions the wt has spent $25 million on covid relief.
the "food pantry" was all local, and is almost non existent.
the government food was mostly inedible on the rare occasions it came.
Wife tells me the latest video mentions the WT has spent $25 million on covid relief. ??? I have seen nothing. The "food pantry" was all local, and is almost non existent. The government food was mostly inedible on the rare occasions it came
please explain what what is meant by "reinstated within the past 5 years" when elders consider recommendations for brothers to serve as elders or ministerial servants.
Has it been at least 5 years since being disfellowshipped and then let back in (reinatated(
I once met a CO in a porn parlor. Saved by 2 witness rule and he would have to explain.
Had a bro come by to visit and work on a mutial project. he promptly started passing a bottle around the circle (I dont share drool). Mentioned it to a elder and found out there akready was a drunkenness problem. So the guy moved 60 miles and and became an elder.
That wasnt one, but a bunch I knew through the years. The old boys club attracts certain ones and they exclude some who should have been appointed
lots of hospitals have hired jw's as bloodless care manager.
if they find out that a jw agrees to take blood, what is their protocol in such a case?
usa scenario so hippa is a factor.
Question. Hired? HCLA elders are volunteers, not employees. And they are supposedly for encouragement but the real reason is enforcement.